Warning Warning: I am not able to write to the SQL cache directory: /home/lngrwgze/repladiestrustedsellers.com/cache. SQL caching will not work until the right user permissions are set.

Shopping Cart

You may want to add some instructions for using the shopping cart here. (defined in includes/languages/english/shopping_cart.php)

Total Items: 1  Weight: 0lbs  Amount: $234.00
Item Image Item Name Unit Qty. Update Delete Total
Lorem set sint occaecat $234.00 Delete this item from the cart by clicking this icon. $234.00
Sub-Total: $234.00

Estimate Shipping Costs

Shipping quotes are based on the address information you selected: United States
Available Shipping Methods Rates
Flat Rate (Best Way) $5.00
Per Item (Best Way) $2.50
Store Pickup (Walk In) $0.00